
Mailbox Information

If your mail box and the pole holding 4 mail boxes is damaged or destroyed please read the following:

  1. Find out who caused the damage – maybe a copy of a police report and call the involved insurance agent;
  2. For ordering the pole use Granger Supply 800-472-4643 item 33KV16 Salsbury Industries Mailbox BLACK about $309.29 plus freight $53.00;
  3. Fulton 800-252-0002 Cost of 4 boxes 8 and 1/4 ” high and 21 ” long larger than normal size $162.62 plus freight $15.94:
  4. Install and take out damaged pole unit $500.00 may use Morford Concrete call Roger 402-679-6734 also paint mail boxes drk bronze; and
  5. 16 letters black on white at Home Depot or Lows 58 cents a piece.


HOA has the sole right to approve of the design of these poles and mail boxes.